According to Bloomberg’s information, employment in clean-energy is blooming while it falters in fossil-fuel sector. In 2014 7,7 million people worked in renewable energy sector worldwide, and this figure raised to 8,1 million in 2015. It is estimated that if United Nations targets are met on climate change and development, the workforce on clean energy will grow to 24 million in 2030.
According to Bloomberg’s report, governmental initiatives to promote renewable energies are one of the reasons for this growth. In this regard, it points to 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris involving 200 countries. Declining costs of clean-energy technologies has also had an influence on this growth. And the last reason is the fall in oil prices caused by Saudi Arabia and the low profitability of higher-cost producers such us USA, Canada or Brazil.
China, Brazil and USA are at the front of renewable energy jobs. And this jobs are concentrated on Asia which is home to 60% of the world’s clean-energy employees. China employs 35 more people in its renewable energy industry than in oil and gas.
With these data and more that you can see in Bloomberg’s article it’s clear that institutions, companies and citizens are more committed to clean-energy every day.